Bespoke web design by

Emily White

soulful web design studio

the soulful web design studio philosophy | a sincere experience

There are Those Moments When You Need a Gentle Nudge in the Right Direction, a Reminder that Your Wildest Ambitions Are Goals That You Can–& Will–Achieve, & the Support that Provides You with the Best Tools to Do Just That.

where design meets purpose

Our mission is to design an intimate online home that you can't wait to show off, elevating your online client experience through authentic compositions. An aligned website is exactly how you will take your business to the next level, and you deserve that.

Hi there, I’m Em! Hawaii-grown, ocean-loving, sunrise-chasing artist and owner of Soulful Web Design Studio. Our studio is dedicated to crafting heartfelt websites for photographers, interior designers, florists, educators, and small business owners who are searching for an online home that will take their businesses to the next level–that will attract ideal clients organically and passively, scaling their businesses beautifully. 

If you’re here, you have a talent, a passion, and you’re excited to serve more people. You’re in the right place.

From selling handmade jewelry at local cafés to creating digital artwork for sentimental families, art and design has always had a special place in my heart. Exploring and creating has been so fulfilling, but I was never able to transition these ventures from wonderful hobbies to sustainable income. Very quickly I learned that 1) social media marketing alone was not cutting it, 2) no matter how badly I wanted to reach new clients, willpower was not enough to hit my goals, 3) too many others share this exact same dilemma, and 4) I needed to find a solution.

an aligned website is the most powerful way to make your mark in your industry

Stars aligned, and I encountered Showit–our favorite tool for turning a passion into a blossoming career. I immediately fell in love with the ability to create a living, breathing online home for other ambitious small business owners. To create an aligned website that would then be pivotal in attracting the right clients and making lasting connections. To be able to empower other creatives to transition their passions into fulfilling, long-lasting successful businesses. To inspire that turning point I once searched for.

Soulful Web Design Studio is rooted in dedication to enable others to build a career they're on fire for, just as design is to us. We want for you a thriving business that makes the late nights and wild ambitions absolutely worth it. An aligned home is a meaningful leap in this right direction–and thus, this is the philosophy that is woven into every single SWD website design.

So, cheers to the big dreams that you can, and will achieve.

a stand-Out online experience

Bespoke Web design + a bespoke commitment to our clients

Alignment & Intentionality

Kindness & Communication

Meet You Where You're At

Whether you are a new creative or seasoned professional, whether you are new to Showit or have spent years with the platform, we will meet you where you're at. Our goal is to support you through this process and be your built-in bff as you navigate this exciting experience.

Your online home is an extension of your brand and will quickly become a hub for new connections. We design in alignment with your distinct brand to create an experience that your clients will immediately know is you. Intentionality at every level.

Meaningful connections and authentic kindness is the backbone of a great partnership. Our founding purpose is centered around empowering creatives to achieve big. At Soulful Web Design Studio, our clients are more than customers. You are our community.

Gold or silver
Drink of choice
Heart & soul
tv show
nExt to visit
dream pup
on the weekends
bucket list item
current obsession

The Ocean

Matcha Latte

Gold gal

Lifting + Acro Yoga

Love Island UK

two & Three

new zealand

Free Diving

film photography

Northern Lights

Australian Shepherd

architectural digest

"My website turned out better than I could have ever imagined"

Where do I even begin! There is so much that I have to say about Em and her work. I was a new business owner who was feeling overwhelmed by website design. I reached out to Emily and she immediately gave me a sense of calm about the whole process. She really wanted to make my dream website come to life...She guided me and gave me the tools to get specific about my vision...She is so creative - My website turned out better than I could have ever imagined! I truly feel blessed to have found her. If you are looking for a website designer who is going to make your vision come to life, Emily is your girl! I wish that I could give her 6/5 stars! She deserves it.

amanda Tippitt

ready to build your dream website?

Have something else in mind?

Soulful Web Design